Swiss Partners

OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, CLOC Head
Prof. Dr. Michael Burkhardt, Dr. Dorothee Spuhler

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich
Dr. Darcy Molnar, Prof. Dr. Peter Molnar, Prof. Dr. Johan Six

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), CLOC Co-Head
Prof. Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Dr. Mirko Winkler, Andrea Leuenberger

Bowier Trust Foundation Switzerland (BTFS)
Felix Walz (Switzerland), Festus Bohlen (Liberia)

Bern University of Applied Science (BFH)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Studer

University of Basel, Swiss Peace Foundation (swisspeace)
Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel, Dr. Evelyn Dietsche
West African Partners

Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS), Abidjan
Prof. Dr. Inza Koné, Dr. Dongo Kouassi

Stella Maris Polytechnic University (SMPU), Monrovia
Siewon N. Nagbe

United Methodist University, Monrovia
Ph.D. Researcher Sheck Sherif
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